General terms of use of the website and privacy policy

These General Terms and Conditions govern the interaction between Veba International Doo, hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”, on the one hand, and the Users of the website and services available on, hereinafter referred to as the “Users”.

Veba International Doo is a company registered in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia, registration number 21927953 and address Belgrade, Despota Stefan Boulevard 50, room 1, email:, phone +381-64-3505-777.

Please read the entire published General Terms and Conditions before using the information and commercial services offered on the Site (hereinafter referred to as the Services).

Confirmation of the General Conditions is a necessary and mandatory condition for concluding an agreement between the User and the Seller.

By accepting the General Conditions, the User agrees to the processing of his personal data on the basis of an agreement concluded between him and the Seller.


1. On the Site, Users have the opportunity to enter into contracts for the purchase of goods offered by the Seller.


2. Users use the website interface to enter into contracts with the Seller for the purchase of goods offered.

2.1. The contract for the purchase of goods is considered concluded from the moment the order is confirmed by the Seller.

2.2. The user must provide delivery information and select a payment method, and then confirm the order through the site interface.

3. The Seller has the right to refuse to enter into an agreement with an improper User.

3.1. The Seller has the right to consider the User as improper in cases where:

- The user does not comply with the General Conditions;

- An incorrect, arrogant or rude attitude towards the Seller’s representatives has been established.


4. Prices for the goods offered are indicated on the Seller’s website when placing an order.

5. The Seller reserves the right to change at any time and without prior notice the prices of goods offered on the site. Such changes will not affect orders already placed.

6. The Seller may provide discounts on products offered on the site in accordance with the legislation of Bulgaria and the rules established by the Seller. The rules applicable to such discounts are available at the location where the discount applies. Discounts may be provided in various forms (for example, promotions, loyalty discounts given individually, randomly, or as a result of participation in a competition or customer survey).

6.1. When ordering and purchasing the same product, you cannot combine different types of discounts.


7. The user can pay for the ordered goods using one of the methods indicated on the site. Payment is possible on the Site in the following ways:

• Payment on delivery (available in a limited number of countries and cities)

• Bank transfer

• Online credit or debit card

• Online via PayPal payment system

• Cash in the Seller’s physical store

• By debit or credit card in the physical store of the Seller

8. When the User returns a product entitled to a refund of the amount paid for any reason, the price eligible for refund will be reduced by the amount of the discount applied to the product and only the amount actually paid will be refunded.

9. If the User chooses the delivery option by courier and cash on delivery, he must pay the cost of the ordered goods along with the delivery price to the courier upon receipt of the goods.

10. If the User chooses a payment method involving a third party payment service provider, the User may be bound by the terms and/or rates of such third party.

11. The Merchant is not responsible if a payment method involving a third party payment service provider is unavailable or otherwise fails for reasons that cannot be attributed to the Merchant.

Recall and replacement

12. The User has the right to cancel the contract free of charge without giving reasons within 14 days from the date of acceptance of the goods by the User or a third party representing the User.

13. In order to exercise his right under this clause, the User must unambiguously notify the Seller of his decision to withdraw from the contract, identifying the goods he wishes to return, providing all order and delivery details, including, but not limited to, only: the contents and cost of the order, details of the person who made the order, details of the person who accepted the delivery, and the date of delivery.

14. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Seller provides the consumer with the opportunity to complete and submit electronically via the website a standard withdrawal form or other clear statement. In these cases, the Seller immediately sends confirmation of receipt to the User.

15. The user is obliged to return the goods at his own expense along with the invoice.

16. When returning the product, it must be in its original packaging, without signs of use or damaged commercial appearance.

17. The seller may delay the return until the item is received back.

18. In the event that the User fails to fulfill his obligation to return the goods without notifying the Seller of the delay and without providing a valid reason for this, he is deemed to have withdrawn his application to effect a withdrawal from the contract.

Warranties and claims

19. The user has the right to demand elimination of non-conformity of the goods if a non-compliance with the terms of the purchase and sale agreement is detected.

20. Seller is not responsible for color differences that occur due to normal differences in color between different monitors.

21. The Merchant shall replace or repair any defective product covered by the warranty within a reasonable time and at no cost to the User.

22. If the claim is satisfied by replacing the product with another that corresponds to the agreed one, the Seller retains the original terms of the warranty for the User.

23. When filing a claim, the User may demand a refund of the amount paid, replacement of the product with another that corresponds to the agreed one, or a discount on the price.

24. The claim is submitted in writing to the specified email address with the obligatory receipt of confirmation of delivery from the Seller.

25. When filing a complaint, the User indicates the subject of the complaint, the preferred method of satisfying the complaint, respectively the declared amount, address, telephone and email for communication.

26. When filing a claim, the User must also attach the documents on which the claim is based, namely:

1. invoice;

2. protocols, acts, photographs or other documents establishing the non-compliance of the goods with what was agreed upon;

3. other documents establishing the claim based on the grounds and amount.

27. The seller maintains a register of submitted claims. The User is sent a document to the e-mail specified by him, which indicates the claim number and type of product.

28. If the claim is satisfied, the Seller issues a statement drawn up in two copies, and is required to provide one copy to the User.

29. In the event of a product not conforming to what was agreed upon and when the User is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint, he has the right to choose one of the following options:

1. termination of the contract and return of the amount paid;

2. price reduction.

30. The User cannot demand a refund of the amount paid or a reduction in the price of the goods if the Seller agrees to replace the product with a new one or repair the product within one month from the date of filing the User's complaint.

31. The user cannot demand termination of the contract if the non-compliance of the goods with the agreed upon is immaterial.

Intellectual property

32. Intellectual property rights to all materials and resources located on the Seller’s website (including accessible databases) are subject to protection in accordance with the Law on Copyright and Related Rights owned by the Seller or the relevant designated person who has transferred the right of use to the Seller and cannot be used in violation of current legislation.

33. In case of copying or reproduction of information beyond the permissible limit, as well as in case of any other violation of intellectual property rights to the Seller’s resources, the Seller has the right to demand full compensation for direct and indirect losses incurred.

Changes to the General Conditions

34. The Seller undertakes to notify Users of any changes to these general conditions within 7 days from the occurrence of this circumstance to the email address specified by the User.

35. If the User does not agree with the changes to the General Conditions, the User has the right to withdraw from the contract without specifying a reason and without paying compensation or a fine. To exercise this right, the User must notify the Seller within one month of receipt of the notification in accordance with the previous article.

36. If the User does not exercise his right to withdraw from the contract in the manner prescribed by these General Conditions, the change is considered accepted by the User without objection.

Applicable right

37. The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Serbia apply to all issues not regulated by these General Conditions.

Privacy Policy

Information about the personal data controller:

Veba International Doo is a company registered with the Agency for Registration of Commercial Enterprises of the Republic of Serbia, registration number 21927953, with registered office and management address: Belgrade, Despota Stefan Boulevard 50, room 1.

Tel: +381-64-3505-777 , email:

Reasons and purposes for which we use your personal data

We process your personal data on the following grounds:

● A contract entered into between us and you for the purpose of performing our obligations under it;

● Explicit consent from you - the purpose is indicated for each specific case;

● In case of legal obligation.

In the following paragraphs you will find detailed information about the processing of your personal data depending on the basis on which we process it.

We process your personal data to fulfill contractual and pre-contractual obligations, as well as to exercise rights under contracts concluded with you.

Purposes of processing:

● establishing your identity;

● management and execution of your request and execution of the concluded contract;

● preparation of a proposal to conclude a contract;

● preparing and sending an invoice for the services you use from us;

● to provide you with the comprehensive services you require, as well as to collect amounts due for services used;

● conducting correspondence in connection with orders, processing requests, reporting problems, etc.

● notification of everything related to the services you use with us;

● analysis of client history;

● Detect and/or prevent illegal activities or activities that violate our terms of service.

The data we process on this basis:

Based on the contract concluded between us and you, we process information about the type and content of the contractual relationship, including:

● personal contact information - contact address, email, phone number;

● identification data - names;

● data on placed orders;

● general service correspondence - emails, letters, information about your troubleshooting requests, complaints, requests, complaints, feedback we receive from you;

● credit or debit card information, bank account number or other banking and payment information in connection with payments made;

Also other information such as:

● customer number, code or other identifier created for identification;

● IP address when visiting our website;

● demographic data

● profile data on social networks

● information about your actions on the site.

The processing of the specified personal data is mandatory for us so that we can conclude a contract with you and fulfill it. Without providing us with the above data, we will not be able to fulfill our contractual obligations.

We provide personal data to third parties

We provide your personal data to third parties, and our main goal is to offer you high-quality, fast and comprehensive service. We do not provide your personal data to third parties until we are satisfied that all technical and organizational measures have been taken to protect this data, and we do not seek to exercise strict control over this purpose. In this case, we remain responsible for the confidentiality and security of your data.

We provide personal data to the following categories of recipients (personal data controllers):

● postal operators and courier companies;

● persons who, on behalf of the company, maintain equipment, software and hardware used for processing personal data and necessary for the company’s activities;

● persons providing consulting services in various fields.

When we delete data collected on this basis:

We do not delete data collected on this basis, regardless of whether this is due to expiration of the contract, termination of the contract or for other reasons.


The law may impose an obligation on us to process your personal data. In these cases, we are required to carry out processing such as:

● obligations under the Anti-Money Laundering Law;

● fulfillment of obligations for distance sales and takeaway sales provided for by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights;

● provision of information to the Consumer Protection Commission or third parties provided for by the Consumer Protection Law;

● providing information to the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data in connection with the obligations provided for by legislation on the protection of personal data;

● responsibilities under the Accounting Law, the Tax and Social Security Code and other relevant regulations in connection with the maintenance of legal accounting records;

● provision of information to the court and third parties as part of court proceedings in accordance with the requirements of current regulations;

● Age verification for online purchases.

Providing data to third parties

Where we have a legal obligation, we may provide your personal data to a competent government authority, person or legal entity.


We process your personal data on this basis only after your explicit, unambiguous and voluntary consent. We do not foresee any adverse consequences for you if you refuse to process your personal data.

Consent is a separate basis for the processing of your personal data and the purpose of the processing is stated therein and is not subject to the purposes listed in this policy. If you give us appropriate consent, and before you withdraw it or terminate the contractual relationship with you, we prepare appropriate product/service offers by performing a detailed analysis of your basic personal data;

The data we process on this basis:

Based on this, we only process data to which you have given us your explicit consent. Specific data are determined for each individual case. This information is typically an email address, names and telephone number.

Providing data to third parties

On this basis, we may provide your data to marketing agencies, Facebook, Google, etc.

Withdrawal of consent

Concessions granted may be revoked at any time. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the fulfillment of contractual obligations. If you withdraw your consent to the processing of personal data in any or all of the ways described above, we will not use your personal data and information for the purposes set out above. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

To withdraw your consent, you only need to use our website or our contact details.

When we delete data collected on this basis

We delete data collected on this basis upon your request.


We process your data for static purposes, i.e. for analysis, the results of which are only aggregated and the data is therefore anonymous. It is not possible to identify a specific person from this information.

Your data can also be anonymous. Anonymization is an alternative to data deletion. Once anonymized, all personally identifiable items/items that can identify you will be permanently deleted. There is no legal obligation to delete anonymous data as it is not personal data.

Why and how we use automated algorithms

To process your personal data, we use partially automated algorithms and methods to continually improve our products and services in order to best tailor our products and services to your needs. This process is called profiling.

How we protect your personal data

To ensure adequate protection of customer and company data, we apply all necessary organizational and technical measures provided for by the Personal Data Protection Law.

The Company has established policies to prevent abuse and security breaches that support processes to protect and secure your data.

To ensure maximum security when processing, transmitting and storing your data, we may use additional security mechanisms such as encryption, pseudonymization, etc.

Personal data received from third parties

We do not receive data from third parties.

Consumer rights

Each Site User enjoys all rights to protect personal data in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Serbia.

The user can exercise their rights through the contact form or by sending a message to our email.

Each User has the right:

● awareness (in connection with the processing of his personal data by the administrator);

● Access to your personal data;

● Correction (if data is inaccurate);

● Deletion of personal data (right to be forgotten);

● Restriction of processing;

● Portability of personal data between individual administrators;

● Objection to the processing of his personal data;

● The right to judicial or administrative protection in the event of a violation of the rights of the data subject.

A user can request deletion if one of the following conditions is true:

● Personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;

● The user withdraws his consent on which the data processing is based and there is no other legal basis for the processing;

● The user objects to the processing and there is no legal basis for the processing to have priority;

● Personal data was processed illegally;

● Personal data must be erased for compliance with a legal obligation in Union law or Member State law that applies to the controller;

● Personal data was collected in connection with the provision of information society services to children and consent was given by the parent responsible for the child.

The user has the right to restrict the processing of his personal data by the administrator when:

● Question the accuracy of personal information. In this case, the restriction of processing applies for a period that allows the controller to verify the accuracy of the personal data;

● The processing is illegal, but the User does not want the personal data to be deleted, but instead demands that their use be limited;

● The Administrator no longer needs the personal data for the purposes of processing, but the User needs them to establish, exercise or defend legal claims;

● Processing objects pending verification of whether the legal grounds of the administrator override the interests of the User.

Right to portability

The data subject has the right to receive personal data concerning him, which he has provided to the controller, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and also has the right to transmit these data to another controller without hindrance on the part of the controller to whom the personal data was provided, if the processing is based on consent or contractual obligations and processing is carried out automatically. In exercising his or her right to data portability, the data subject also has the right to obtain direct transmission of personal data from one controller to another, where technically feasible.

Right to object

Users have the right to object to the controller's processing of their personal data. The data controller is obliged to cease processing unless it demonstrates that there are compelling legal grounds for the processing which override the interests, rights and freedoms of the data subject, or for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims. In the event of an objection to the processing of personal data for direct marketing purposes, the processing must be stopped immediately.

Complaint to the supervisory authority

Each User has the right to file a complaint about the illegal processing of his personal data to the Commission for the Protection of Personal Data or to the competent court.

Maintaining a register

We maintain a register of processing activities for which we are responsible. This register contains all the information below:

● Name and contact details of the administrator;

● Purposes of processing;

● Description of categories of data subjects and categories of personal data;

● The categories of recipients to whom personal data is or will be disclosed,

● Including recipients from third countries or international organizations;

● Where possible, deadlines for deleting different categories of data;

● If possible, a general description of technical and organizational security measures.

Registration and identification

The Seller identifies Site Users by storing log files on the Site server.

The Seller has the right to collect and use information about Users on the basis and for the purpose of fulfilling the contract concluded with the User in accordance with the General Conditions. Personally identifiable information may include the personal information specified in the General Terms and Conditions, as well as any other information that an individual voluntarily provides upon registration. Information includes any other information that the User enters or provides for the services used.

Only persons over 18 years of age can register on the site.

The Seller takes due care and is responsible for protecting information about the User that became known to him during registration, except in cases of force majeure, an accident or malicious actions of third parties.

In the registration form filled out by the User upon registration, the Seller indicates the mandatory or voluntary nature of providing data and the consequences of refusal to provide it.

The Seller may disclose personal data to third parties only in cases or circumstances provided for by law or with the express consent of the User.

The User can register by filling out the appropriate electronic registration form, available in real time (on-line) on the Seller’s website, agreeing to the General Terms and Conditions.

By pressing a virtual button with the text “Registration”, “Place an order” or other similar text that has the force of written confirmation of the General Conditions, the User makes an electronic statement within the meaning of the Law on Electronic Documents and Electronic Signatures, declaring that he is familiar with the General Conditions and accepts them and undertakes to comply with them. The Seller may store in log files on its server the IP address of the User, as well as any other information necessary to identify him and reproduce an electronic statement of acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions in the event of a legal dispute. The text of the General Conditions is available online on the Seller's website in such a way that it can be stored and reproduced.

When filling out the registration, the User is obliged to provide complete and correct information about identity (for individuals), legal status (for legal entities) and other data required by the Seller’s electronic form, as well as update them. 7 (seven) days from the date of their change. The user declares that he agrees to provide the necessary personal data, thereby ensuring their correctness, completeness and accuracy. If incorrect data is provided, the Seller has the right to terminate or suspend the provision of services immediately and without prior notice to the User, as well as to cancel the User’s registration.

When registering, the User selects a unique username and password to access the services available through the site.

The user can manage his profile on the site.

The username under which the User registers does not give him any rights other than those expressly set forth in these terms and conditions.

The registrar, as a representative of a legal entity, is required to indicate his full name and address, respectively, the name of the legal entity that he represents.

The User is obliged to take all measures and care that are reasonably necessary to protect his password, and also not to disclose his password to third parties and to immediately notify the Seller in the event of unauthorized access, as well as in the event of likelihood or suspicion of such. The User is responsible and at risk for protecting his or her password and for all actions taken by him or any third party using his password.

Terms of delivery of goods

Delivery of ordered goods is carried out in the following ways:

• own transport

• through a courier service from a third party

Shipping costs are paid by the user.

Before sending the ordered goods, the Seller has the right to contact the User at the telephone number specified by him to clarify the details of the order and/or delivery.

The Seller is not responsible for failure to fulfill an order in cases where the User has provided incorrect, incomplete and/or inaccurate personal data, including when he has provided an incomplete, inaccurate or fictitious address or telephone number.

Delivery is carried out within the time limits specified for each delivery option in the order interface module. In exceptional cases, the Seller reserves the right to extend the delivery period by immediately notifying the User.

Ordered goods are delivered against signature, since larger quantities are delivered by courier service to the entrance to the building.

The consumer is obliged to inspect the goods upon delivery and immediately notify of any discrepancies, defects or damage. If the User fails to do so, delivery will be deemed to have been accepted without objection.

All import fees for importing goods are paid by the User. The user cannot claim a refund if he refuses to pay import duties or receive the package.

Seller reserves the right to change available shipping and payment methods and/or terms at any time by posting available shipping and payment methods on the website without further notice.